
Deep Learning Frameworks

Frameworks Creator Version Github Hash Tag Numerical Library Platform Written in Line of Codes Interface License Website
TensorFlow Google Brain team 1.3.0 ab0fcac Eigen, CUDA Linux, macOS, Windows C++, Python 1281085 Java, Python, Go, R Apache 2.0 TensorFlow
Caffe Berkeley Vision and Learning Center 1.0.0 c430690 OpenBLAS & CUDA Linux, macOS, Windows C++ 69608 Python, MATLA BSD license Caffe
Torch Ronan Collobert, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Clement Farabet torch7 0219027 optim & CUDA Linux, macOS C, Lua 29750 Lua BSD license Torch
MXNet Apache Software Foundation 1.0.0 ccb08fb OpenBLAS & CUDA Linux, MacOS, Windows, AWS, Raspberry Pi, NVIDIA Jetson Tx2 C++ 216809 Python, Scala, R, Julia, Perl Apache 2.0 MXNet

For more information about framworks: Comparison of deep learning software

Note: Line of Codes is given by CLOC, LOC.

The installation scripts are at the root of the Github project.