
The Kinetics dataset

Kinetics is a large-scale, high-quality dataset of YouTube video URLs which include a diverse range of human focused actions


The dataset consists of approximately 300,000 video clips, and covers 400 human action classes with at least 400 video clips for each action class. Each clip lasts around 10s and is labeled with a single class. All of the clips have been through multiple rounds of human annotation, and each is taken from a unique YouTube video. The actions cover a broad range of classes including human-object interactions such as playing instruments, as well as human-human interactions such as shaking hands and hugging



The dataset is composed of three splits with corresponding CSV / JSON files:

Training set (9.2 MB zip file) Validation set (781 kB zip file) Test set (1.1 MB zip file, with annotations held out for the purpose of the ActivityNet challenge. Once the challenge is over, we plan to release the annotations.)

In the CSV files, each row describes one video and the columns are organized as follows:

label - (string) a human-readable name for the action class. Characters used are lowercase letters, spaces, and single quotation (’). (Held out for the test set.) youtube_id - (string) the YouTube identifier of the video the segment was extracted from. One may view the selected video at${youtube_id}. time_start - (integer) the starting time of the action snippet in the video, in seconds. time_end - (integer) the ending time of the action snippet in the video, in seconds. split - (string) “train”, “val”, or “test”. is_cc - (bool) whether the video has a creative commons license, accessed on 2017-04-18. (Held out for the test set.)

The JSON files contain the same data as the CSV files, but formatted differently. Check the ActivityNet website for details at:

The validation and test sets each contain a maximum of 50 and 100 videos per class, respectively. However some classes may have less than the maximum, and over time YouTube videos may be deleted or taken down from public viewing by the uploading user. For the ActivityNet challenge, scoring will consider only those videos available after the submission deadline.

In some cases the video may end before time_end, but we always provide a 10-second window from time_start to time_end, so as much of the clip should be used as possible.


Kinetcs Sample




First follow the instructions for installing Sonnet.

Then, clone this repository using

$ git clone

Sample code

Run the example code using

$ python


Getting Datasets

Get the datasets as described above

Make sure you have the bleeding edge version of Theano, or run

pip install --upgrade --no-deps git+git://

If you would like to work with your existing working environment, it should satisfy the following requirements:

Python 3 and dependencies On Mac, can be installed with brew install python3 On Ubuntu/Debian, can be installed with apt-get install python3 Dependencies can be installed with pip install -r youtube-dl==2017.9.15 pafy== multiprocessing-logging==0.2.4 sox==1.3.0 sk-video==1.1.8 PySoundFile==0.9.0.post1 ffmpeg On Mac, can be installed with brew install ffmpeg On Ubuntu/Debian, can be installed with apt-get install ffmpeg sox On Mac, can be installed with brew install sox On Ubuntu/Debian, can be installed with apt-get install sox


kinetics/ <filter_list> <kinetics_subset_csv> <output_file> will filter the given Kinetics subset csv file to contain only the classes in the given filter list, and put it in a format that is compatible with this script.






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